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Zendesk Digital First (Remote) Strategy

Enhancing a Digital First (Remote) Global Strategy

The challenge for Zendesk was to develop their new digital first way of working in a way that enables rapid growth whilst making sure that the culture is not detrimentally impacted, productivity enhanced, employees on board, and supported by the right workplace design, the right technology and management culture.

By using our unique WEX Engagement Platform our role was to engage across the business and distill insights from employees across all verticals and to consult with the entire leadership on opportunities, challenges, and risks around the digital first (remote) strategy. The data we collated from the engagement was used to inform the workplace and real estate strategies.

Zendesk had just short of 4,800 employees in 10 countries and 24 different locations. Our comprehensive Insights Report detailed 9 key challenges that the client would need to address before the new way of working would become universally enhanced. 

The report collated data from 3,000 global employee responses on the WEX Engagement Platform (>75% response rate) and over 45 senior leadership interviews across all verticals around the globe.

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