Lauren Pollack
3 min read
How Employees Cultivate a Thriving Workplace Culture
Employees are instrumental in defining and fostering workplace culture, often citing it as a key reason they choose to stay with a company.

Lauren Pollack
3 min read
Shaping Workplace Culture: The Leadership Impact
While a good workplace culture can sometimes develop naturally, sustainable culture is shaped by leadership.

Lauren Pollack
2 min read
The Defining Factor for Talent: Workplace Culture Drives Retention
Workplace Culture is the cornerstone of employee retention —it’s the foundation of why employees stay.

David George
3 min read
Traditional vs Activity Based Working Office Design
The design of the office often lags years behind the progress that technology has made, and the way it changes how we work.

David George
3 min read
Transforming Offices into Great Workplaces
You can’t create a great place to work by simply guessing how Gladys in accounts gets invoices paid, or how Ramon in marketing collaborates.

David George
3 min read
Faster Horses Please!
Quoting Henry Ford talking about the development of the Ford Model T: “ If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said...

David George
4 min read
Lease Expiry = Optimizing Opportunity
Businesses are looking to make efficiencies in terms of how they trade and that includes real estate. Caring employers, keen to retain...

David George
4 min read
Is Your Office Working?
With 69% of U.S. companies adopting hybrid working, most offices designed pre-pandemic will not optimize occupancy and enable productivity.

David George
2 min read
Office Design & Spaghetti Throwing
Spaghetti is still popular on the office design menu it seems. I’m drawing parallels of course. The “throw spaghetti and see how much...

David George
3 min read
Bread Making and Workplace Design - What's the Connection?
There are many misconceptions around creating a workplace that delivers for today’s way of working. We see far too many companies...

David George
10 min read
The Art Of Successfully Introducing Unassigned Desking
This is what I call a coffee and cookie article, you'll need both as it will take some time to read as we dive into important details on...

David George
2 min read
It’s time we talked about the missing evidence.
Why? Because what we’re seeing as an industry (by that I mean us specialist advisors to corporate real estate and workplace...

David George
2 min read
Lease Expiry Coming Up In 2025/6? Do This First!
3 Reasons to Speak With a Workplace Consultant Before Briefing Your Broker Here’s a quick summary of three reasons why a company would...

David George
2 min read
Engagement in Workplace Design: Reality Vs Misconception.
Engaging employees in workplace projects is not as hard as it seems. Here are some of the common misconceptions: 1. Excuse: It creates...

David George
1 min read
Research Paper: RTO Mandates are about "Power not Performance"
In this study by Yuye Ding and Mark (Shuai) Ma at the Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh, the conclusion...

David George
3 min read
2024: The Challenge Facing Real Estate, FM, and Workplace Professionals
As the C-Suite attention turns from the pandemic, to sustaining revenue and profitability through an inflationary time and economic...

David George
3 min read
Navigating the Hybrid Future: Transforming Law Firm Offices for Flexibility and Collaboration
In the wake of the pandemic, law firms underwent a transformative shift in how they worked, and this is now playing out in the design of...

David George
3 min read
Successful Hybrid Working Arrangements
There are some relatively straightforward actions companies can take to help successfully embed hybrid working. Here’s just one we feel...

David George
3 min read
Office Attendance: Choose, guide or mandate?
Do you group all of your employees into one level of competency, experience, skills, productivity, outputs and pay? No, I thought not....

Lauren Pollack
1 min read
Happy Holidays from CRUX Workplace!
Wishing everyone a fabulous holiday!

David George
3 min read
The Workplace Renovation Gamble
There’s no need for gambling or leaps of faith with your real estate. Reduce risk with an "Engage them and they will come" approach.

David George
5 min read
2024: the year of the Great Real Estate Downsizing?
Let’s look at the changing needs of real estate occupiers. Office occupancy levels have, by most metrics, averaged around 50% of...

David George
4 min read
Hybrid Working: How & Why it Changes Your Office Design
What the pandemic has taught us. Allowing employees greater flexibility and choice about where and when they work, will most likely...